Feeling with Michael Ferire
I met Michael at Jose Villa Workshop back in November 2014. He was quiet, misterious, unique and über talented. His photos were fresh, modern and beautiful. I was instantly drawn to him... to his personality, the way he expressed himself and his hot and sophisticated French accent... There was something about Michael that was so real and honest. He wasn't trying to be anyone else. He was just Michael. As an artist and as a young creative man.
In May 2015 Michael came to hang out with me in Ibiza. He stayed one week and all we did was talk photography, eat great food, push each others borders and shoot from time to time. Just for fun.
Michael says: J’aime marcher dans les rues en observant la lumière qui tombe sur les façades, imaginer des photos, des ambiances...
and when he says it he means it! In his hot French accent of course :)
His way of seeing, observing, feeling - every texture, object, colour, every shade, is so inspiring. Experiencing each moment in a unique, real and organic way. He definitely is one in a million. And I kept on taking and taking it all in. Bursting with ideas and feeling excited everytime we would shoot.
The way he sees photography is very different to other photographers, especially wedding photographers. He sees photography as something very personal, it is his vision, his moments from someone else's day. He chooses to press the shutter, seeing random frames in his mind when looking through a small viewfinder. He decides if he wants to capture them or he lets them go. He let´s the momentum vanish into the past. He is in charge and it is definitely one man's vision!
It was magical seeing him shoot and hearing him talk about his work and passion.
Michael is a great teacher and great believer in what's unique, personal and fresh.
There is simply no right or wrong way - there is only YOUR way... the hard part is discovering it and letting it take you wherever you want to be taken.
And just like Michael says:
Si vous voulez un sourire, ne le demandez pas. vous devez l’obtenir !
Can't wait to hang out more and take more photos together! Here are some photos from our little wonder around the island.
All shot on Fuji 400H and Contax 645, developed and scanned by Carmencita Film Lab